Tommy Sherman

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Tommy Sherman, from "The Misery Chick"

Tommy Sherman was a former student of Lawndale High, in Trent Lane's graduating class. He was seen only in the episode "The Misery Chick," but his presence is felt indirectly in other episodes, such as "A Tree Grows in Lawndale."

Tommy was a star football player, the quarterback of the Lawndale Lions when the team won the state championship. He was known for always wanting to bring in the touchdowns himself (no passing, he wanted to personally run the ball in). He also had the habit of turning to wave at the crowd as he did so, often running into the goalpost head-first. He broke his nose twice and once went into a coma for six days, an injury that nearly caused him to miss the championship game. He recovered without apparent harm.

In "The Misery Chick," a break-away goalpost on the Lawndale Lions football field was to be dedicated to him, which set up the major conflict of the episode. While walking onto the football field after a nasty conversation with Daria Morgendorffer and Jane Lane, Tommy was struck by two or more large, heavy wooden crates containing the goalpost (which had apparently not yet been erected) and was killed on the spot. Only Kevin Thompson idolized him, though Angela Li and Coach Gibson would have appreciated his winning talents if not his personality.

Personality-wise, Tommy can only be described as "a colossal jerk" (Daria's phrasing). He was arrogant and rude to an extreme, having no concern for the feelings or needs of others, and he felt he was entitled to sex and attention at his whim.