Depth Takes a Holiday

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Depth Takes a Holiday
Production Number 303
Original Airdate March 10th, 1999
Special Guest Voices ???
Written By Sam Johnson
Chris Marcil
Directed By ???

Depth Takes a Holiday is the third episode of the third season of Daria (episode number 303). It aired on March 10, 1999 and was written by Sam Johnson and Chris Marcil.


Warning: The following may contain plot or ending details.

Daria and Jane encounter the living embodiments of popular holidays, who have entered Lawndale through a dimensional wormhole in the back of the Good Time Chinese restaurant. The holidays, who appear to be and act like human teenagers, are in conflict because some of them wish to start a band (The Holidays) in Lawndale, while others are trying to get the renegade holidays to return to their home universe (Holiday Island, home of Holiday Island High School).

Reputation of the Episode

For the longest time, many Daria fans considered "Depth Takes a Holiday" as one of the worst episodes ever written. The bulk of the complaints come from the "off-canon" nature of the episode, where there is no disclaimer of any kind that this is a dream or some figment of Daria's imagination. However, there is a growing segment of the fandom that appreciates "Depth Takes a Holiday" for its creativity and general wackiness. "Depth Takes a Holiday" might have been found on a list of the bottom ten episodes a few years ago; fans today would place it somewhat higher.

Fanfic writers fond of alternate universe stories or or bizarre tales have used this episode many times as an "in-canon" springboard for their work.

The title can also be interpreted as the series taking a break, in that it diverted far from its standard plot lines for an episode. "Depth" representing Daria herself, and "holiday" meaning "to get away from things for a break".


  • The holidays are described as "holiday spirits" by Daria.
  • The backgrounds used for Lawndale High School have clearly been reused for the Holiday Island High School. The locker design is the same except that the lockers are now colored blue, and murals of ocean waves have been added to the formerly bare purple walls.
  • UK fans are often amused (or annoyed) at Guy Fawkes Day, since they call the Fifth of November Bonfire Night instead. The St Patrick's Day/Guy Fawkes conflict is also several generations out of date, and St Patrick's Day is celebrated across Britain (as an excuse to get drunk).

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Preceded by
The Old and the Beautiful (302)
Daria Episodes
"Depth Takes a Holiday," Season 3 Episode 3
Succeeded by
Daria Dance Party