Evelyn Veronica Morgendorffer

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Revision as of 04:26, 3 November 2007 by Brother Grimace (talk | contribs)

First seen in The Trouble With Veronica, Evelyn Veronica ('Evie') Morgendorffer is the third and youngest of the Morgendorffer sisters (abeit only in some parts of fandom works of fiction). Based upon the character of Veronica Morgendorffer (created by Robert Nowall), 'Evie' was created as a unique being in her own right, hence the differing name.


As stated above, Evie's first appearance was in The Trouble With Veronica. She has been more recently seen in the Evil Daria Viginettes, a series of short fan-written bits begun in late 2007 on the PPMB.

Differences between 'Ronnie' and 'Evie'

  • Ronnie is roughly Quinn and Daria's height; at six foot, Evie is easily the tallest of the Morgendorffers.
  • Ronnie has a physical appearance similiar to Quinn's, yet has the same eye condition - and the same glasses - as Daria; Evie is strikingly more physically attractive than either older sister, with dark scarlet hair that she prefers cut short, a slender figure, and very long legs (she prefers to wear slacks or full skirts). She also has a pair of glasses like Daria's, but also wears prescription sunglasses.
  • No mention has (yet) been made of Ronnie's intellectual skills; Evie is far more intelligent than Daria (her IQ is listed in the 190's on the Stanford-Binet scale).
  • Ronnie is usually not seen because Daria (in a running joke) has literally 'forgotten her existance'; 'Evie' is never seen because she is living at Grove Hills Academy, where she has a full scholarship and serves as an Ambassador for the academy in her Senior year.
  • Evie is a singer of professional skill, and has a talent with the piano and keyboards (which her father Jake also has - in a minimal degree).
  • Evie is also differing from Quinn and Daria in that she's very much an average young woman in personality, whereas Quinn is a 'teen popularity queen' and Daria is an intellectual and cynical 'misery chick'.


  • In the Evil Daria Viginettes, Evie was tutored for a number of years by Paula Trainor, who at the time was a Major in the U.S. Air Force and acting as a recruiting officer for DELPHI by administering covert recruiting seminars in educational facilities.
  • Despite her looks, Evie is not yet interested in dating, and feels very uncomfortable with her physical appearance (to the point that she doesn't like to wear skirts or dresses with short hems, as they show off her legs). Unlike Daria, Evie's physical attractiveness is so blatant that neither her intellect or her glasses are able to turn away male attention.
  • Vidalia's pet ferret, Alabama, believes that he's actually Evie's pet, and ignores Vidalia but not Evie. He sleeps in her bed, and follows her directions.