Lynn Cullen

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Perhaps the best known of all fan-created characters, Lynn Cullen is a major figure in Canadibrit's The Look-Alike Series.

Warning: The following may contain plot or ending details.


Born in Boston to Kate Cullen and organized crime notable Jerome Smythe; Kate changed both her surname and that of her daughter to dissociate them from her husband's family ties and moved the family to Oakwood, a town near to Lawndale, when Lynn was five years old. She moved to Lawndale at the beginning of her and Daria's junior year of high school.

Lynn is the half-sister of Daria, having been born as the product of an extramarital affair her mother Helen Morgendorffer had years ago with Jerome Smythe. She has a predilection for purple, which long ago earned her the nickname Purple Peril from her best friend, AP McIntyre. Lynn also uses that moniker as her online persona.

Lynn and Daria are remarkably alike in appearance and habits, though Lynn tends to be more violent and emotional.

=The Trent Connection

Lynn and Daria have many psychological simularities as well as physical; one such similiarity is their attraction towards Trent Lane, who Lynn developed a very strong crush upon soon after meeting him, but refused to pursue it after seeing the mutual attraction between him and Daria. This attraction was consummated in the TLAS special episode Rue Brittannia; on New Years' Eve, a drunken Trent (believing that he was pursuing Daria} made a romantic overture to Lynn, and ended up spending the night with her. The next morning, Lynn left Trent's room, and the incident has not been discussed or mentioned since.

Favored web sites

Lynn enjoys spending time online. One of her favorite Internet sites is an British site known as 'Subversion Is We'. The site, which is dedicated to self-determination free of government (or any) overt control of the populace (i.e. 'anarchy'), is well known for the '1001 Ways to Manipulate…' book series. The web address for the site is:

A real-world equivalent to the site was formerly located at:

She also spends time on, and purchases items from a site known as 'MI6 Factory Rejects', which sells covert surveillance gear, among other things. The web addres for the site is:

Government connections

In the 'Visitations' alternate reality, Lynn is a member of the DELPHI covert operations section known as the 'Special Assignments Division'. Lynn was quietly released from a fifteen-year prison sentence after performing a series of incidents upon the Daria of that reality, which nearly drove her insane and left her in a catatonic state, under the condition that she become a member of that organization. She is considered a highly valuable and effective member of the organization, and before his death, Robert Bakeson was seriously considering her for Special Agent status in his Therian Thirty program.

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