Priscilla Henry

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Priscilla Henry is a fictional character created by Brother Grimace who has been seen in his fics.


Introduced in the fic Tapped Potentials, Priscilla Henry is a former resident of Highland, Texas, who is seven years older than Daria Morgendorffer, and who gained metahuman powers after exposure to meteoroid fragments from a meteor which struck during a outdoors event that occured when Daria was eleven. Very soon after that, Priscilla was approached by high-ranking members of the U.S. Air Force (in which she had already enlisted) as well as other members of the military (including Kyle Armalin, representing the Marine Corps). Priscilla was immediately called to active duty by the Air Force, and she came to the attention of DELPHI officials - particularly Paula Trainor, who authorized her for selection to Project Nightbreed. (Priscilla is the only Omega Nightbreed she has signed off on.)

Priscilla was recently given a field commission to the rank of Major by Trainor, and acts as one of several personal 'troubleshooters' for specific internal problems. Among the situations that she has handled for Trainor was the 'disposal' of General Robert Bakeson.



After being altered by the Project, her power to create impenatrable forcefields was modified by the solution, and developed into the ability to create 'Glamours' - illusions so accurate and precise that can fool even electronic and visual detection devices, hyper-senses, low-level psionic scans, and powers/devices that can scan for metahuman abilities. While cloaked in a 'Glamour', Priscilla can effectively mimic anything or anyone, to the point that she could engage in physical intimacies and be impossible to differentiate from the real person. (A secondary effect of this power enables Priscilla to manipulate her 'Glamour' fields - formerly her forcefields - to create accurate tactile sensations across the fields, allowing her to give her 'Glamours' a sense of realism - mass, temperature, skin imperfections, scent and so forth.)

Her 'Glamour' ability cloaks her so effectively that, when active, she does not leave footprints or register on pressure-sensitive devices, motion detectors, thermal detectors, or devices that detect gases (and thus detect respiration); her power is so effective that even samples of Priscilla's DNA (as retrievable by blood, tissue and hair samples) cannot detect any trace of metahuman ability from her. One practical use for this ability is to simply 'blank' herself from other's perceptions and appear 'invisible'; in addition, she can control her power so precisely that she can make herself invisible only to specific scans as she chooses.

Priscilla also has the ability to expand her power outwards to affect other persons or objects. While she can affect others from a distance (out to about one mile, if she wants to use her powers on one person and can see them, or out to about 300 yards if trying to affect an area), she can affect up to ten miles if she is touching something. The effect of her power lasts up to 36 hours, at which time she must use her power again to continue the effect. If using her power this way, rendering her unconscious will not discontinue the 'Glamour'; otherwise, with normal uses, knocking her out will discontioue the effect. (This does not work on her personal 'Glamours', however. Only killing Priscilla will reverse her personal field and show her true self.)

Another secondary effect of her powers is that she has the same form of 'True Sight' that Maryann Lyter of The Alliance has, in that she can automatically see through any form of illusion or attempt to camoflauge a person's identity, or an item, device or location hidden by anything other than natural or passive means.

Other Powers

Aside from this, she has the same powers as any Beta member of Project Nightbreed who was sired by Kyle Armalin (although she was given her powers by a transfusion of his blood and secreted solution stored at the Project: Fast Forward facility at Niagara Falls, New York).

Former Powers

Priscilla promerly possessed the metahuman ability to create an forcefield around her entire body. This forcefield was absolutely impervious to any form of penetration, even by psionic or mystical means, or through interdimensionsl extraction. As a side-effect of her power, Priscilla had the powers of self-sustenance while her field was active (meaning that she had no need to consume food, water or breathe). Also, Priscilla's field allowed her to warp gravitic forces around it, as well as become invulnerable to the effects of intertia and friction; this meant that Priscilla was able to run and fly at trans-light speeds.

Priscilla also formerly possessed a low-level form of clairsentience, which allowed her to fly to other worlds and return safely. The meteor which gave her her original powers altered her DNA in doing so; because of this and the nature of the 'Nightbreed Solution', it is possible that any children Priscilla has could have her original powers. Also, if Priscilla's body was destroyed and somehow reformed, or if she went through an exotic effect that affects the human form down to the genetic level, she would lose her Nightbreed powers but regain her original ones.

Special Equipment

As past of her new status and to expediate her duties, Priscilla has been issued an American Express Centurian Card, more commonly known as 'the Black Card'. This card is funded by a special non-disclosed discretionary fund created by disposal of items conficscated by DELPHI during operations (which has not been revealed even to the S.A.O.C.) and allows Priscilla to operate independantly of all DELPHI support under Trainor's direct control. When not working directly for Trainor, Priscilla is an operative for 'Project Uatu', as her powers allow her to operate effectively in any possible area.

Priscilla has also been authorized to use a Defender Ring in her duties. (Paula has actually given her two, the second to use in the event she is ever forced to turn over the first one, and flee from government forces.)


Priscilla is very fond of horses, and is exceptionally fluent in American Sign Language.