Andrew Landon

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Andrew Landon
First appearance Gifted
Last appearance Is It College Yet?
Voiced by ????
Episode count 5 episodes;
2 Daria TV movies
Gender Male
Age ?
Occupation businessman entrepreneur
Family Michele Landon (wife); Jodie Landon (daugher); Rachel Landon (daugher); Evan Landon (son);
Significant other(s)

Andrew Landon is a businessman entrepreneur and inventor, the husband of Michele Landon, and the father of Jodie, Rachel, and Evan Landon.

Appearances in the Series

Andrew appears in the episodes "Gifted" (his debut), "The F Word," "Of Human Bonding," Is It Fall Yet?, "Prize Fighters," and Is It College Yet?.


Andrew Landon is best known to his peers as the inventor of the folding coffee cup (see "Gifted" and "Partner's Complaint"), which is implied to be the base for his fortune.

He seems to be perpetually looking for business connections and wanting to know who's who in the business world. Socially, he always seems cheerful and positive. Politically, "Gifted" and "Is It College Yet?" show him to be quite right-wing, virulently against welfare and using "creative accounting" on his tax returns. He also adores his son, though comments he's made about the boy seem to ignore that he's still an infant.

Per comments in Is It Fall Yet?, it is possible that he knows Angier and Katherine Sloane.

Andrew Landon in Fanfiction

Andrew's insistence that Jodie excels academically is a recurring theme in canon fanfiction.

In the story "A Hard Days' Night", he appears as the secret leader of an organization devoted to combating the forces of supernatural evil.

Andrew's folding coffee cup makes an appearence in Wouter's "Trouble walking" story