Nicholas Campbell
Nicholas/Nick Campbell is the bass player and occasional guitarist for Mystik Spiral. The Mystik Spiral pilot episode script described him as "sweet, insecure, more-talented-than-he-realizes".
Appearance and Personality edit
In his first appearances, his hair colour varied from bleach-blonde ("Ill") to red ("Speedtrapped") before finally settling on purple from Season 4 onwards. He regularly gets into animated discussions/arguments with fellow band member Max Tyler.
In "Speedtrapped", Nick is easily chumped by Stan's fibs.
Reburb fills in Nick's history: he joined the band when they saw him "hitchhiking along the side of the road in 1996". An essay by Trent inadvertently lets slip that Nick used to have a drug problem: "Who needs a giant corporation to promote your group, overexpose you when you make it big, and pay for your rehab when you lurch out of control? Nicholas did fine when we locked him in his house for a week and slipped Fruit Roll-Ups under the door."
On the old Mystik Spiral website at MTV, we're told: "Nicholas will DJ in a white tuxedo for a reasonable price. He's got a kid to support. He gives out keychains and other prizes. It's really kind of fun." (It's assumed by fans that Nick is divorced and paying alimony)
It could be assumed that he is the responsible for the electronic equipment of the band, as he is seen testing the sound board in Groped by an Angel.
The "One Band, Napping" flipbook had him refer to having a groupie and finally getting some fanmail (from his mum).
In the Spiral pilot script, Nick has a girlfriend called Charlotte. She writes and sings weepy ballads; every time the couple have a fight, she turns it into a song (Nick defends this because it meant he knew what he'd done wrong). The couple complete each other's sentences.
In Fanfiction edit
In the Falling Into College series, his daugher was named Ariel Campbell.
In several fanfic series, he is also Danielle Todds' first cousin.
Nick appears in Blessings of the Moon by Fhujeth, and is is the most important member of Mystik Spiral in the story by aiding various characters and helping destroy the monster possessing Stacy. He is a Vrykolakas. He also appears in Fhujeth's Nick's Funtime Heroin Adventure by Fhujeth, where Nick is a heroin addict who succumbs to a fatal overdose.
Nick teaches Stacy bass guitar in the fic Fashion Club Entertainment by tommyXmaserati.