Andrew Landon

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Andrew Landon
First appearance Gifted
Last appearance Is It College Yet?
Voiced by ????
Episode count 5 episodes;
2 Daria TV movies
Gender Male
Age 50-52
Occupation businessman entrepreneur
Family Michele Landon (wife); Jodie Landon (daugher); Rachel Landon (daugher); Evan Landon (son);
Significant other(s)

Andrew Landon is a businessman entrepreneur and inventor, the husband of Michele Landon, and the father of Jodie, Rachel, and Evan Landon.

Appearances in the Series

Andrew appears in the episodes "Gifted" (his debut), "The F Word," "Of Human Bonding, "Legends of the Mall", "Prize Fighters", " Is It Fall Yet? and Is It College Yet?.


Andrew Landon is best known to his peers as the inventor of the folding coffee cup (see "Gifted" and "Partner's Complaint"), which is implied to be the base for his fortune. He's quite wealthy as a result, and attends a number of entrepreneur and industry conventions. He wasn't yet in Winged Tree Country Club during "Is It Fall Yet?" but was intending to schmooze his way in.

He went to Turner College, a traditionally African-American college, but has said in the present that, while it was a good college, he had to go to an African-American one and would have liked to have had the chance to go to a more 'high-class' one.

He knows restaurant franchise mogul Terry Perry Barlow through conventions and the two are on friendly terms ("Of Human Bonding"). Per comments in "Is It Fall Yet?", it is possible that he knows Angier and Katherine Sloane.


He seems to be perpetually looking for business connections and wanting to know who's who in the business world. Socially, he always seems cheerful and positive, shaking hands and being personable to everyone he meets.

Politically, "Gifted" and "Is It College Yet?" show him to be quite right-wing, virulently against welfare and using "creative accounting" on his tax returns.

Jodie has remarked that he "thinks he's Martin Luther King" when he's trying to give a pep talk, and can say some very silly things in the attempt.


Andrew appears to love Jodie and wants her to achieve her potential, but he shows this by forcing her into more activities, work, and situations than she's willing or able to handle. In "Is It College Yet?", he thought Crestmore University would be the best university for her and casually overrode any objections she made. Jodie has made it clear she doesn't bother objecting to him anymore because she knows it will do no good, and in IICY Andrew was stunned to realise Jodie had applied to Turner behind his back.

He adores his son Evan Landon, apparently more so than his daughters (stating he "love[s] my girls but Evan, he's my son). Comments he's made about the boy seem to ignore that he's still an infant, as he talked about him being a "linebacker" as if he was old enough to play. He and Michelle have clashed over raising him.

His relationship with Michelle has fracture points in it, as she's taken time out of work to look after Evan and is bitter about it; Andrew refuses to let her put Evan in daycare, which she wants to do so she can go back to work. She once referred to him with annoyance and contempt when he was networking in "Of Human Bonding". In the MTV flipbook "It Takes Two to Tangle" , it's said their marriage is at risk because of "competing delusions of executive grandeur".

Andrew Landon in Fanfiction

Andrew's insistence that Jodie excels academically is a recurring theme in canon fanfiction.

In the story "A Hard Days' Night", he appears as the secret leader of an organization devoted to combating the forces of supernatural evil.

Andrew's folding coffee cup makes an appearence in Wouter's "Trouble walking" story