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First mentioned in The Sun Will Come Out, Tomorrow and actually seen in Lunch Hour In Lawndale, DELPHI is a covert United States organization that acts as the aegis for several programs within the U.S. Government and the U.S. military and intelligence apparatus. The primary focus of DELPHI appears to be the collection of information from any and all known sources, the examination of such information to assess any possible threat to United States interests and the creation of any necessary and specific countermeasures to those threats, primarily through the use of advanced technology and 'specialized human assets'.

Named after the site of the fabled Oracle in Greco-Roman mythology, the agency's motto is, Forewarned is forearmed, or Praemonitus, praemunitus in Latin.

There are several programs and agencies involved with DELPHI. Known operations and agencies beneath the DELPHI aegis include:

  • DELPHI Secretariat. The administrative arm of DELPHI.
  • D.O.M.A.: The Department of Magical Affairs. Actually considered separate from the rest of DELPHI operations, D.O.M.A. is responsible for action as a liaison agency with what is known as 'the Wizarding World', as well as enforcing all laws applicable to U.S. citizens who fall into that category. D.O.M.A. has several branches, foremost of which is the 'Bureau of Spell Registry' (also known as the 'First Registry' in public.) 'First Registry' Special Agents are, for purposes of departmental stratification, listed and considered as FBI Special Agents; they identify themselves with the designation 'FBI - First Registry.' Under special circumstances, D.O.M.A. falls under the direct jurisdiction of P.O.G.O. command.
  • P.O.G.O.: Arguably the most well-known of the organizations aligned with DELPHI. Short for Paranormal Oriented Global Operations, P.O.G.O. teams are six- to fifteen-man special units that are deployed around the globe as needed, with the primary focus being on discrete, extended-duration reconnaissance missions in hostile areas (The flexible nature of the terms 'discrete', 'extended-duration' and 'hostile areas' has ruffled the feathers of some friendly intelligence agencies that have stumbled upon their operations, as P.O.G.O. tactics, in some theaters of operation, are nearly identical to running intelligence networks.) At present, there are twenty P.O.G.O. teams in operation. All P.O.G.O. troopers are equipped with advanced mil-spec tactical, surveillance and communications gear, and most (over 75%) have metahuman abilities. Unlike any other facet of DELPHI, P.O.G.O. has the authority to immediately acquire (for limited durations and under special circumstances) resources and personnel from any other organization for the use of the P.O.G.O. teams. The motto of the P.O.G.O. teams is 'We observe and strike in silence'.
  • Project Fast Forward: The research and development arm of DELPHI, located in Niagara Falls, New York.
  • SABRE: A select group of U.S. military personnel, taken from all seven branches of the military; unlike the P.O.G.O. teams, SABRE forces are tasked and trained for overt military response, and are usually deployed when DELPHI needs to use military assets in situations that may become public. Short for Special Activities Battalion/Response/Extranormal. One of the first SABRE units created is the Exterminators, which is commanded by Brigadier General Franklin Davers and composed of rescued survivors from a Mantoid slaver vessel (following the events of "Behind Enemy Lines").
  • Special Assignments Division: Essentially a real-life version of the Impossible Missions Force. Operatives are given specific assignments considered of vital and immediate importance to DELPHI. Mistaken at first for a special-response section of the United Nations Secretariat, the Special Assignments Division was first mentioned in "The Sun Will Come Out, Tomorrow."
  • Special Assignments Oversight Committee (U.S. Department of Defense): The organization's command section and its dedicated administrative/support group.

Known DELPHI operatives and persons associated with the organization include: