Driven Wild Universe

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The Driven Wild Universe is a series of Daria stories in quasi-script form by Kara Wild, forming a detailed alternate universe. The series currently contains twenty-two "episodes."


The Driven Wild Universe (or DWU) is meant to play out several "what ifs?" regarding the Daria series, consequences occuring if just one thing were changed. In the case of the DWU, this change involved Quinn getting glasses in the first episode, "Rose-Colored Lenses." While the early episodes of the Driven Wild Universe could have taken place within the series proper, once Quinn chooses to wear her glasses permanently (from "Cheered Down" onward) the fanfiction series breaks from Daria and runs along a parallel path. Kara Wild has stated the the true break occurs after Daria episode 307, "Daria!"; from that point onward, while certain series developments remain (such as the introduction of Tom Sloane as Jane Lane's boyfriend), others such as "Psycho Therapy" never occur because they have already played out in the Driven Wild Universe.

An intriguing AU series, the Driven Wild Universe's main focus is on Quinn's evolution from popular person allergic to school to a glasses-wearing math prodigy who sees a new world opening up before her. (The series proper would later provide its own perspective in Is It Fall Yet? and "Lucky Strike.") At the same time, Wild felt compelled to tweak other dynamics that she felt were stagnant in the series, such as Helen's relationship with Jake. In time, she would give nearly equal coverage to Helen and her sister, Amy Barksdale. Some critics charged that Wild did so at the expense of Daria, who, as the title characer, should have been the star. Wild pointed out that she was already being well explored on the series proper; however, during the final episodes of the series, Wild would beef up Daria's role, having her come face to face with the dark side of Quinn's success in math. Jane makes fewer appearances in the DWU than in the series proper, mainly providing much-needed common sense and support.



Warning: The following may contain plot or ending details.

Quinn Learns That She is Smart

Quinn getting glasses launches the Driven Wild Universe, leading to some of its brightest and darkest moments. At first Quinn wants nothing to do with her glasses, believing correctly that they will hurt her popularity, but finally the lure of being able to see the blackboard proves too great. Quinn wears her glasses continuously from "None in the Family" to "Into the Fire," much to the pleasure of her math teacher, Alfred Phelps. Believing that Quinn possesses great talent in math, Phelps presses her to focus on her studies, first enlisting Jake to watch over her at home ("Of Absolute Value") before taking over the job himself. As with her glasses, Quinn at first resents Phelps's extra attention. However, as she grows to enjoy math, even going so far as to remain on Lawndale High's mathletics squad ("Charge of the Math Brigade") in the face of ridicule, she sees Phelps as more of an ally. As her family troubles pick up in the final episodes of the DWU, Quinn views Phelps as a surrogate father, someone upon whom she is dependent for her math success.

Helen Finds Herself

The Fashion Club Gets Up-Ended




Original Characters

External links