Off-Canon Canon

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Daria and Jane hosting the 1998 MTV Daria Day Marathon

“Off-Canon” Canon is any official (i.e., MTV-produced) Daria material that is incompatible with the depiction of the characters and setting of that series as reasonably realistic and internally consistent.

Jane Lane bonks her head on a microphone, one of a series of "outtake" alter-ego shots seen at the end of Is It Fall Yet?

Daria: Real Character or Cartoon Actress?

Daria and Jane as Show Hosts

Were Daria Morgendorffer and company acting out of character when they appeared as hosts of their own show? Were they "actors" or "real people" in the manner in which the show portrayed them? Fans tend to ignore Daria and Jane Lane's appearances as hosts, though important information has been given out during such appearances. While talking between episodes on MTV's "Daria Day" marathon in February 1998 (transcript at link), Daria and Jane revealed their ages during the first season (16), Tent's age (21), and Quinn's age (14.5), and appeared to confirm that the family relationships seen on the show exist even off-screen. Daria is usually portrayed exactly in character during such appearances (e.g., MTV's Cool Crap Auction), though she is also aware that she is an animated character.

Quinn and Helen between takes in Is It Fall Yet?

IIFY Alter-Egos

As shown here, a variety of alter-ego pictures supplied with the movie Is It Fall Yet? show the characters of the series as movie actors. The actors are shown clowning for the camera in some, or having problems like tripping or being hit by falling scenery. The effect is quite jarring for viewers accustomed to a "realistic" show.

Interviews and Essays

Daria has been "interviewed" several times in the media about her series. One excellent example is the CBS Early Show interview from 2002, with real-life show host, Jane Clayson. Daria has also written a number of short essays that appear on the "World According to Daria" section of the MTV Daria site. The essays offer her opinions on various real-world issues, but with the awareness that she and her own world are animated (yet apparently still part of the "real world").

Conflicting Information

Zen vs. Zon

The issue over the actual name of the alternate-rock club in Lawndale is discussed at The Zon.

Carter County vs. Lawndale County

Carter County appears in The Daria Database in the form of a map of a Mystik Spiral tour, along with a guide to the venues with travel time from Lawndale. It should be noted that Lawndale is not featured on the map and nowhere is it specified the Lawndale is in Carter County. Lawndale County appears in the episode, "One J at a Time" in the form of a road sign seen while Jake Morgendorffer, Tom Sloane and Jeffy take a captured squirrel out to be released.

Sherman vs. Sheridan

Tommy Sherman was the oafish ex-jock and Lawndale High alumnus who was accidentally killed by a special goalpost dedicated to him in "The Misery Chick." However, in The Daria Diaries, the goalpost is named the Tommy Sheridan Memorial Goalpost. Someone obviously is confusing one American Civil War Union general with another. This renaming is generally assumed to be an error and nothing more, though perhaps the company making the new memorial goalpost got the name wrong.

Cranberry Commons vs. Lawndale Mall

Much of this issue is discussed at Lawndale Mall. Canon sources offer two different names for the indoor shopping mall in Lawndale.

Out-of-Sequence Episodes

The episodes of Daria were not necessarily shown in chronological order. It is commonly assumed that the episodes from seasons one and two show Daria's first year in Lawndale, seasons three and four (and Is It Fall Yet?) show her second year, and season five and Is It College Yet? show her final year. However, the episodes within each season are not always in sequence. Most famously, "Road Worrier" from the first season shows Daria and company attempting to go to Alternapalooza, a rock concert that takes place in mid-August (per The Daria Diaries) but is sandwiched between episodes showing portions of Daria's sophomore year at Lawndale High. The same problem is seen with the episodes of Season Five and events in Is It College Yet?, which would have to overlap in order to be realistic for a typical school year.

“Oops!” Animation Errata

The Episode Guide page at Outpost Daria lists every episode and movie done for the Daria series, and also provides links to animation goofs noted in every production. Follow the link given and look at the column on the far right, "Oops." Jodie Landon's hair turns gray, Jane Lane's leggings vanish, the nose piece on Daria's glasses disappear, clock hands go away, discarded items reappear, etc. In certain fanfics, animation errors are assumed to have actually happened, though under extreme circumstances (e.g., Lawndale Stalker's "The House on Space-Time Lane" or The Angst Guy's "Deus Jane").

Fantasy Episodes

Though Daria was a fairly realistic animated show, certain episodes raised the ire of fans because their treatment of reality was regarded as cavalier. Six episodes in particular, from the third and fourth seasons, are often assumed by sticklers for "realistic canon" to be events that never actually occurred. Some fanfic writers assume they were dreams, hallucinations brought on by a variety of ailments, or fictional works created by one of the show's characters, usually Daria Morgendorffer. (One of the episodes below actually was a dream.) A few stories, nearly always fantasies like "Deus Jane," assume most of these events occurred exactly as shown.

Depth Takes a Holiday

This is the most notorious of the fantasy episodes, with the various holidays as Holiday Island teenagers wandering around Lawndale and interacting with Daria, Jane Lane, and others. In the Last Summer tale, "Comforting a Confused Soul," Richard Lobinske has Daria write a short story called "Depth Takes a Holiday," which follows the episode as given. (In the Falling Into College series, Daria even dresses up as the character Halloween for a party.) Kara Wild's second fanfic, "A Desperately Needed Ending (to "Depth Takes a Holiday")," speculated that Daria had eaten a tainted piece of fruit cake at school, which led to a drug trip that produced the fantasy episode. However, some fantasy and science-fiction fanfics assume the dimensional wormhole in the back of the Good Time Chinese restaurant was real, leading to fairly wild universe-crossing tales (e.g., "Illusions," "Three," "Luuuv Story," and "Scarlett").


A musical set during a hurricane? Again, most fanfic writers assume this did not actually occur.

Murder, She Snored

The bulk of this episode is a dream Daria has, in which many parts are based upon popular television detective shows. (The title, for instance, is based on the mystery series, Murder, She Wrote.) At the end of the episode, Mr. DeMartino attempts to strangle Kevin, possibly the springboard for that teacher's involuntary commitment at a psychiatric hospital as shown in The Daria Database. The fact that nothing of substance otherwise occurs, since the episode wasn't "real" to begin with, is a sore point.

A Tree Grows in Lawndale

The pink flower that sprouts from Kevin Thompson's "planted" crutch is a reality violation of the first order, though it does respond to the general theme in the episode about miracles occurring. One horror story that assumes this actually occurred is TAG's "Sudden Death Overtime."

The Lawndale File

The strange presence of the (obviously X-Files-based) government agents and some of the sillier consequences (such as Anthony DeMartino being arrested) struck many as unrealistic. Artie's appearance on Sick, Sad World and the transformation of Daria and Jane into "space babes" was also an issue, but mainly it was another episode in which everyone acted stupidly and nothing of consequence took place.

Legends of the Mall

The steel teeth of Metalmouth hanging on the door handle of Helen Morgendorffer's SUV at the show's end were a problem for many viewers. Interestingly, Helen's SUV was, up until this time in the series, probably a Chevrolet Blazer, but hereafter turns into a Ford Explorer (another information conflict). Was she so upset at finding the teeth on her car that she bought a new vehicle? (For details, see "Planes, Trains & Automobiles" by D. T. Dey, at Outpost Daria.)

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